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Kinematic Viscosity Meter
Date:2016-01-18   Hit:3084


  Kinematic Viscosity Meter






Daqing City Instrument Manufacture Co., Ltd.


Address:East Part of Hefeng Road, No.3 Industrial District,High-tech Development Area, Daqing

电话:0459-8186000     TEL:0459-8186000

传真:0459-8186000     FAX:0459-8186000



目录Preface. 1

  Preface. 2

第一部分 概述General Introductions 4

1.术语Terminology 4

2.技术指标 Technical Index 4

2.1技术参数Parameters 4

2.2 仪器特点Features 5

3. 结构 Structure 6

3.1 运动粘度测定仪主视图Front View.. 6

3.2 运动粘度测定仪后面板视图Back View.. 7

4 安装Installation 7

4.1 开箱Unpack. 7

4.2 仪器安装Installation. 8

第二部分 ND-3S操作说明Operating Instructions 9

1 键盘功能Keyboard Function 9

2 开机Start Up 10

3 菜单Menu 12

4 试验步骤Procedures 16

5操作注意事项Attentions 17

第三部分 仪器维护、保养及安全说明Maintenance&Safety Instructions 18

1仪器维护与保养Maintenance 18

2粘度计管清洗cleaning viscometer 18

3安全说明Safety Instructions 18












ND系列运动粘度测定仪,是大庆市日上仪器制造有限公司自主开发的具有国内领先水平的高科技产品。本仪器是依据标准ASTM D445-06设计制造的专用测仪试器,适用于测定液体石油产品(指牛顿液体)的运动粘度。

ND series kinematic viscosity tester is a high-tech product that ranks the top in domestic and independent developed by Daqing City Rishang Instrument Manufacture Company Limited. It is specific tester that design and produced according to ASTM D445-06and used for determination of kinematic viscosity of liquid petroleum products(refers to Newtonian liquids).


The apparatus have the timing function of samples excises, and automatically calculate the final results of kinematic viscosity. This method fits for testing kinematic viscosity of liquid petroleum products (refers to Newtonian liquids), its unit is m2/s, practically used as mm2/s. dynamic viscosity is the product of measured viscosity and liquid density.

Under a given hydrostatic temperature, test the time which a fixed volume of fluid flow through glass capillary viscometer, the product of capillary coefficient and flow time namely the liquid kinematic viscosity under the temperature. The product of kinematic viscosity and liquid density is the dynamic viscosity under the temperature.


















第一部分 概述

Chapter One    General Introductions



     ViscosityFlow of a fluid under external forceinner friction between molecular called viscosity.


     Kinematic viscosity: Under a given hydrostatic temperature, test the time which a fixed volume of fluid flow through glass capillary viscometer, the product of capillary coefficient and flow time namely the liquid kinematic viscosity under the temperature. “Vt” stands for viscosity at“t”temperature.


     Dynamic viscosity: under the same temperature, the product of kinematic viscosity and liquid density is the dynamic viscosity, it is indicates by the symbol “ηt”.


     Significance: viscosity is one of important index of insulating oil, the viscosity of the transformer insulating oil should as lower as possible, because the lower viscosity, the better circulating cooling effects of transformer; meanwhile, it is one of important index of lubricant oil, the number of lubricant oil generally distinguished by the average of kinematic viscosityin addition, proper choose of viscosity of lubricant oil will guarantee stable running of generator and turbine sets, viscosity is too higher or lower will change the power of generator, increase fuel consumption and wear etc.

2.技术指标 Technical Index



Temperature control range: room temperature~100

☆ 控温精度±0.1



Testing unit4 channels


Data storage100 pcs

环境温度 540(室内)

Ambient temperature5~40indoor

存放温度 :-1055(室内)

storage temperature-10~55℃(indoor


relative humidity10~80%

220VAC ±10% 50Hz

power supply220VAC±10%50Hz

  消耗功率 <1000W

  power consumption:<1000W



2.2 仪器特点Features

符合标准 GB/T265-88

According to standard: ASTM D445-06


Apply to test of kinematic viscosity of liquid petroleum products


Liquid crystal screen displays of pictures and words.


Automatically control temperature by microcontroller.


  Uninterruptible power clock, manually start/stop timing.


  Automatically calculate viscosity value, data storage and print.

3. 结构 Structure

3.1 运动粘度测定仪主视图Front View

3.2 运动粘度测定仪后面板视图Back View


1、电源开关switch 2、电源插座supply socket  3、保险  fuse


Attention: there is subtle difference between the picture and the object, please take the real object as standard.

4 安装Installation

4.1 开箱Unpack

标准附件:Standard attachments:

粘度管架  capillary viscometer rack            4set

防尘盖  dust-proof cover                     4pcs

保险管10A    fuse pipe                     2pcs

电源线     supply line                      1 pcs


open the packageyou’d better place the apparatus in laboratory over two hours and electrified.

◇ 使其放置在光线较好的水平平台上,以便观察试样的流动界面

Put it on the platform with bright light in order to observe flow of fluid.

◇ 仪器的背面和侧面隔墙的最小间隙为200mm

The minimum partition between the back view and the side view is 200mm.

◇ 要防止水飞溅到仪器或其他细小杂物掉到仪器上

Prevent the water from splashing or other tiny materials drop on the apparatus.

4.2 仪器安装Installation


Place the apparatus on the working platform, according to test temperature requirement add corresponding bath liquid into the bath vat until reach the marked level.




















第二部分 ND-3S操作说明

Chapter Two ND-3S Operating Instructions



  Operators must read this chapter and worked as requiredso as to avoid break the parts due to improper use.


   Non-operators have to get permission to operate the apparatus.


   Our product adopts touch liquid crystal displayfriendlyintuitiveduring the process of usecustomers are capable of operate the apparatus by keyboard, convenient and rapid.

1 键盘功能Keyboard Function

19 [数字]键,在设定时用于数据输入,其中14键在允许计时情况下用于14号粘度


while setting,1~9numberkey used for input data; On condition that timing permits, 1~4 key used for 1~4 viscometer start and stop timing of flow time.


dotkey used for input data


back key used for delete dataevery click will delete one bit of data


upkeyupward selectused for menu select and query data


downkey ,downward selectused for menu select and query data


leftkey, leftward selectused for menu select


rightkey, rightward selectused for menu select


printkeyprint testing data and historical data.


timekey used for timing under constant temperature


endkey used for end experiment, clear the data .


enterkey used for finish the input or conduct the selected order


menukey used for enter or quit the menu


datakey used for query of past testing data


helpkey used for query of relevant information about product


resetkey used for restart the programusually when the apparatus behaves abnormal.

2 开机Start Up


Turn on the powerLCD shows of startup interfaceas the following



In startup interface, you can search for instrument modelnameversioncompany name and website.


Hold several seconds after startup, the apparatus conducts self-check and launch test program, then enter into main menu. As the following:

NoteNo stands for Forbid timing



In above picture, SV stands for set temperature, and PV indicates measure temperature, heating shows the current working state of apparatus, forbid timing means can’t time at this time. when the setting temperature isn’t consistent with the required temperature, you can operate the menu though keyboard, change the setting temperature.


When the measured temperature equals to the setting temperature, the apparatus automatically link to the next interface. It shown in the following:

NoteCV1stands for capillary viscometer 1



In this interface, click [time]key will enter into permit timing interface, as shown in picture2-4.



The cursor stop at “CV1” when linked to this interface, at this time, press[left][right]key can choose capillary, and clickenter” key will link to corresponding capillary test interface. As the following:



Under this interface, if ready for all, click1start to timing when the liquid level fall back to the upper scale, click1again to stop timing and locked the time when the liquid level fall back to the lower scale. Just like this repeatedly test the flow time of 4 teams samples, automatically calculate the average flow time and viscosity value. After finishing the experiment, clickprintwill print the current displayed data.


During this process, you can alternately test other capillary with the same method, press corresponding number key will enter into relevant capillary interface and control the start/stopclick[left][right] can switch to different displays of different capillaries.

3 菜单Menu


Pressmenuwill link to menu interface. As the following:





After entered menu interfacethe cursor stop at setup”,now click enterwill link to setting interface. It used for set required parameters according to different samplesviscometers, and control the program. As the following:



After entered into the interface and the cursor stop at “temperature”, now click “enter” will link to setting temperature interface. As the following:

System temperature setting

Setting temperature:




Under this interface, you can set the temperature through press key of number, after setting, you must press “enter” for save all settings.


3.1.2在菜单界面下用移位按键将光标移到 “毛细管常数”处,此时按“确定”键进入毛细管常数设定界面。如下:

After entered into the interface and the cursor stop at “capillary coefficient”, now click “enter” will link to capillary coefficient setting interface. As the following:

CV1-C stands for CV1 coefficient



Under this interface, you can set the coefficient through press key of number, after setting, you must press “enter” for save all settings. The default setting is capillary 1, and switch to other capillary setting through [left] [right] key.

3.1.3在菜单界面下用移位按键将光标移到 “系统时间”处,此时按“确定”键进入系统时间设定界面。如下:

After entered into the interface and the cursor stop at “system time”, now click “enter” will link to system time setting interface. As the following:



Under this interface, you can set the time through press key of number, after setting, you must press “enter” for save all settings.


3.1.4在菜单界面下用移位按键将光标移到 “温度微调”处,此时按“确定”键进入温度微调设定界面。如下:

After entered into the interface and the cursor stop at “T correction”, now click “enter” will link to temperature fine tuning setting interface. As the following:



When the temperature appears deviation just use this function to amend data.


Under this interface, you can fine tuning the temperature through press key of number, after setting, you must press “enter” for save all settings. After controlled temperature well stabled, there still have bias between displayed temperature and practical temperature, just tune it here. Firstly, move the cursor to fine tuning data, if the practical temperature lower than displayed, make positive fine tuning, change the prefix symbol into “+” by shifting “Ù” “Ú” key, fine tuning value set by number key; if the practical temperature higher than displayed, make positive fine tuning, change the prefix symbol into “-” by pressing shift key of“Ù” “Ú”, fine tuning value set by number key. When the fine tuning value reached the expectation, click “enter” to save all settings, fine tuning is completed.

3.2数据查询data query


After entered into the interface and the cursor stop at “data query”, now click “enter” will link to inquiry interface. Under this interface, you can look up historical data, and every channel can save 100 pieces of data. As the following:



Under data query interface, you can inquiry of data from1 to 4 by shifting key, entered into the interface and the cursor stop at “CV1 data”, now clickenterwill link to data query  interface. As the following:



In CV1 data query interface, it will display all testing data of CV1.


After entered intodata querymenu, you can look up the current historical data of CV1 by shifting “Ù” “Ú” key, browse and inquiry of other data of CV1 by shifting×”“Økey, now click “print” will print all current displayed data.




By shifting key move the cursor to “operations”, now click “enter” will link to operation interface. In this interface, it can test for 1~4capillary. As the following:



The cursor stop at “CV1” when linked to this interface, if need to be tested, directly enter” key and link to corresponding testing interface. As the following:



Under this interface, if ready for all, click1start to timing when the liquid level fall back to the upper scale, click1again to stop timing and locked the time when the liquid level fall back to the lower scale. Just like this repeatedly test the flow time of 4 teams automatically calculate the average flow time and viscosity value. After finishing the experiment, clickprintwill print the current displayed data.


During this process, you can alternately test other capillary with the same method, press corresponding number key control the start/stopclick[left][right] can switch to different displays of different capillaries.



Under this interfaceby shifting key move the cursor to “help”, now click “enter” will link to help interface. As the following:



In this interface, you can look up apparatus modelnamesoftware versioncompany name and website.

4 试验步骤Procedures


According to measure temperature required, pour relevant bath liquid into the bath vat until it reached the marked level

4.2开机。Start up


Under “setup” menu, according to samples performance, set the required parameters.


Setup Sample: fill the samples into the cleandry suitable inner diameter capillary. Before setup the sample, cover the rubber casing on the branch tubes, jammed the nozzle with finger, meanwhile inverse the viscometer, then immerse the body into the container with samples, at this time sucked the liquids to the marked line with the rubber ball, beware of the liquids in dilated parts created air bubbles and gaps. When the level reached the marked line, pulls the viscometer out of the container, quickly restore its normal state, at the same time rub off the extra samples adhered to the external wall of tube end, and remove the rubber casing from the branch tubes and cover for the tube body.


Fixed the viscometer tube to the rack, and immerse it into the water bath.


Begin to test as the measured temperature reached the setting temperature. Make use of the rubber casing covered on the viscometer nozzle to draw the samples into extension parts, make the sample level more high than marked line, and prevent the liquids from air bubbles and gap. At this time, observe the flow condition of samples, when the level return to the upper marked line, click corresponding “number” key start to timing, when the level return to the lower marked line, click corresponding “number” key stop timing, the screen displayed the flow time of this test. The next extraction of oil can be conduct after displayed the last flow time, when completed four test, the apparatus automatically calculate and display average time and the last viscosity but displayed flow time of four tests.


After experiment, clean up the viscometers and put it in a fixed location, so as to the next experiment.



There are no impurities and floating materials in bath liquid of the bath vat.


Keep the capillary vertically the water bath; you can make a fine tuning through the 3screws in the rack.


When testing the kinematic viscosity, you should select suitable viscometer according to the experimental temperature, make sure the flow time of samples is no less than 200s, and the flow time of viscometer with 0.4mm inner diameter is no less than 350s.


You must clean the viscometer with solvent oil or petroleum ether before testing the viscosity, if the viscometer has stains, Cleaning it with the chromate liquidwaterdistilled water or 95% Ethanol in turn. Then dry it in drier or hot air that was filtered with cotton.


After put the capillary into the bath vat, you must guarantee didn’t conduct the experiment until the temperature has reach the stipulated value over 15minitues; it is suggest that put the capillary into the bath vat before reached the stipulated temperature.


When make the testing, oil need to be drawn into the middle of upper sphere, and to make sure that the coefficient of capillary is consistent with the setting value.












第三部分 仪器维护、保养及安全说明

Chapter Three  Maintenance & Safety Instructions


1、  仪器应存放在干燥的地方,并作好防尘工作。

The apparatus should be store in dry conditionand make a good preparation for dust proof.

2、  开机前应确保仪器的各部件连接正常,请不要连续开关电源,以免损坏元器件,开关电源之间至少应间隔20S以上。

To ensure proper connection of apparatus before start upplease don’t switch the supply repeatedly in order to avoid damage electronic partsthe interval time should be at least 20s between the two switch.

3、  试验前应做好安全防范工作,在仪器的周围不应有可燃、易爆、腐蚀性物品。

Before conducting the experiment, you should make a good preparation for security, please don’t set combustibleexplosivecorrosive materials around the apparatus.

4、 玻璃缸先注水后方可通电使用。

The apparatus can be charged after the glass vat was filled into water.


The panel is LCD, please don’t scratch it with sharphard objects, Otherwise it will cause permanent damage.


The apparatus should be placed on a fixedstable platform and try to avoid straight sunshine.


For any improper operations, click “reset” and restart.


The supply should be well grounded.


You should make a good job of cleaning after finishing the experiment, especially clean up the oil samples in the viscometer.

2粘度计管清洗Cleaning Viscometer


Cleaning the viscometers with the chromate liquidwaterdistilled water or 95% Ethanol in turn.

3安全说明Safety Instructions


In order to reduce the damage of fire hazardelectric shock or other injuries, you should abide by the following basic precautions when using the apparatus.


Read and comprehended all instructions.


Operate only under the guidance of the warning and instructions that marked on the apparatus.


Before cleaning, please remove the plug from the apparatus. Don’t use liquid or spray cleaner but wet cloth.                                    


Put the apparatus in a fixed place. If it dropped, it might lead to serious damage or personnel injury.


Please don’t block the gap and breach in the apparatus, because it is used for ventilation so as to prevent the apparatus from hot. Never put it near radiator or other unventilated places.


The apparatus only can use the supply that marked in the unit. If you don’t know your supply type, please contact with local agent or power supply bureau.


The apparatus is equipped earth plug. If you don’t have this kind of socket, please install one. Don’t refit it so that the safety function lost.


In order to reduce the dangers of electric shock, please don’t dismantle the apparatus. If you need repair, please ask for technical support. You might get a shock or other dangerous when open or remove the cover. Incorrect reassemble will lead to electric shock in the process of using.


Under the following circumstance, please pull the plug from supply socket.


Power line has broken or worn.


There is liquid spill into the apparatus.


The apparatus has been drenched with rain or water.


The apparatus can’t operate properly if you comply with instruction, you can only regulate the control parts. The problems will get worse due to improper regulation.


The apparatus dropped or broke.


There is obvious change in performance.


Attention: Don’t touch the plug with a wet hand.


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